What's the right way to eat a meat pie? It's the ultimate question when it comes to this much-loved Aussie staple. And it's one we need your help to answer!

We've come up with Australia's most popular pie-eating techniques below. From 1-8, which one are you? Pick your fave and cast a vote! If you need to do some extra 'research' along the way, who could blame you? 


The OG 1080x1080.jpg__PID:478b18ba-0d11-413a-b699-212de8fe3e3d

1. The original (some say the best) method, you start off with a one-bite wonder.

The Dowser 1080x1080.jpg__PID:d9214f5a-478b-48ba-8d11-513a3699212d

2. You treat sauce like the main event. If you still see pastry, you're doing it wrong!

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3. Lifting the lid, you eat the filling first, saving the pastry for last. Crunchy yum!

Divide and Conquer 1080x1080.jpg__PID:0231ff2c-1828-4790-b9c5-d9214f5a478b

4. You slice and dice your pie like it's a sandwich. Just beware spillage!

The Multitasker 1080x1080.jpg__PID:4f5a478b-18ba-4d11-913a-3699212de8fe

5. You love a juggling act - pie in one hand, phone in the other. Don't mix them up! 

Your Majesty 1080x1080.jpg__PID:0d11513a-3699-412d-a8fe-3e3dc9f0acc3

6. Posher than a spice girl, you eat your pie with a knife and fork. A true fancy feast!

The Bite and Blow Method 1080x1080.jpg__PID:b9c5d921-4f5a-478b-98ba-0d11513a3699

7. Your pie comes fresh from the oven. Surprise, it's hot! Blow hard and try again.

The Toddler 1080x1080.jpg__PID:18ba0d11-513a-4699-a12d-e8fe3e3dc9f0

8. You love your pie the way you love your nights out on the town - messy!


To join in The Great Australian Meat Pie Debate, presented by Kenilworth Bakery, simply complete the form below (2 easy steps, we promise!) to tell us your favourite way to eat this much-loved Aussie icon.

Voting closes Nov 27, 2023, so get your votes in! Results will be announced on Dec 13, 2023.